Saint Germain Foundation
The library of sacred knowledge
Direct from the Ascended Master
Discourse of the Day Excerpt
Discourse XXVI • Beloved Saint Germain
I do not wish to bring any shock to the Students under this Radiation, but I must speak the Truth, that: If those Beloved…
Discourse of the Day Excerpt
Discourse XXVI • Beloved Saint Germain
Today's Gem of Light
The Universal Fire Breath of Life
The Fire Element, My Dear Ones, is the Life-giving and Life-sustaining Activity of the Great Central Sun to this whole System of…
Today's Gem of Light
The Universal Fire Breath of Life
The Fire Element, My Dear Ones, is the Life-giving and Life-sustaining Activity of the Great Central Sun to this whole System of Worlds. That is the atmosphere of a planet. It is also the atmosphere of the individual; but if you give It conscious recognition, you can increase Its Power within and around yourselves almost without any limit. When you begin to realize that the very air you breathe is charged with that Pure Electronic Force from the Great Central Sun that is the Radiation of the Love from the Life that is there, that “Mighty I AM Presence,” then as you consciously are aware that you breathe in the Great Fire Breath, the Universal Fire Breath of that Great Love to this System of Worlds, My Dear Ones, you will begin to have the proof within yourselves of Its marvelous Purifying, Energizing, Illumining, and Protecting Presence in your own atomic structure. . . . This Great Fire Breath of which I speak, of Cosmic Christ Love from the Central Sun, contains within Itself all your outer selves would ever need to sustain the atomic structure in absolute Perfection and hold about you a Sphere of Its own Essence, Its Energy, and Its Supply—ever-sustained, ever-expanding, self-sustained Activity that becomes Eternal Life for those who move within It. This is how you may live in the world but not of it. You may move in a Sphere of this Fire Breath of Cosmic Christ Love, and no harm could come to you. Beloved God Meru
Saint Germain Series

Vol 1 - Unveiled Mysteries
Godfre's Meets Saint Germain
Godfre's Experiences with the Ascended Master Saint Germain. In this first Book of the… More
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Vol 2 - The Magic Presence
Godfre's Continuing Experiences
In this second Book of the Saint Germain Series, Mr Ballard (pen name Godfre Ray King)… More
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Vol 3 - The I AM Discourses
Through Godfre Ray King
The thirty-three Discourses contained in this Book were dictated by Beloved Saint Germain… More
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Vol 4 - Ascended Master Instruction
Through Godfre Ray King
Ascended Master Saint Germain dictated this series of twenty-eight Discourses over a… More
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Vol 5 - I AM Adorations & Affirmations, I AM Decrees
Saint Germain Series
This Book of Affirmations and Affirmations is presented with the Decree that All who read… More
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The Voice of the I AM

The Voice of the I AM
First Issue of The Voice Magazine
Jesus; Saint Germain; Chart Talk; "I AM" Decrees; The Messengers; Young America… More
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The Voice of the I AM
The monthly Voice Magazine
Cyclopea; Ascended Master Saint Germain; The Infinite Gifts of Light; Mr Ballard's… More
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The Voice of the I AM
The monthly Voice Magazine
The Luminous Presence; Easter; Easter Sunrise Service; Discourse by Saint Germain; The… More
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The Voice of the I AM
The monthly Voice Magazine
Discourse by Jesus; Saint Germain's Benediction; Discourse by Saint Germain; The… More
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The Voice of the I AM
The monthly Voice Magazine
Discourse by Saint Germain; Cosmic Light; America's Protection; Saint Germain; Master… More
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