Decrees: Ascended Master Purity I AM Decree Book One

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Decrees: Ascended Master Purity
I AM Decree Book One

Therefore, in the following “I AM" Ascended Master Purity Decrees for mankind"s Invincible Freedom from all impurity, the fundamental requirement of God"s Law of the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence" is to turn the attention first to God the "Beloved Mighty I"AM Presence," and the Great Host of Ascended Masters, from which all good in the Universe has always come. Send your intense love and gratitude to that Source of all Life, Forgiveness, Purity, Victory, Protection, Perfection, Safety, Security, Supply of every good thing and all Healing Power.
About the Edition
I DEMAND, I COMMAND, I INSIST, AND “I AM" THAT “I AM PRESENCE," WHICH COMPELS! (3) AND FOREVER MAINTAINS, by Instantaneous Precipitation or otherwise, all Activities of the Sacred Fire, and the most Boundless Love in the Universe, OCEANS! (3) of the Invincible Honor Flame of the Elohim of Purity"s Cosmic Heart; His Mightiest Blue Lightning, Flame, Substance, and Miracles of Cosmic Purity of a Thousand Suns, SEALED! (3) in, through, and around every person, place, condition, and thing under this Radiation, in worldwide Action as of a Thousand Suns; doubled each hour, ruling in all God"s Supremacy and Obedience, in all we ever do or contact, until all are Ascended and Free!
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