Decrees: I AM Ascension I AM Decree Book One

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Decrees: I AM Ascension
I AM Decree Book One

Therefore, in the following Ascended Master “I AM" Ascension Decrees, the fundamental requirement of this Ascended Master Law is, first, turn your attention with love to the "Beloved Mighty I"AM Presence" and the Great Host of Ascended Masters from whom all Good in the Universe has and always will come. Second, send your love and gratitude to the Great Central Sun, the Source of all Life, Protection, Power, and Control of all in this world. Third, call on the Law of Forgiveness for all evil; and demand its annihilation everywhere forever, so it never touches any part of Life again.
About the Edition
“I AM" THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE in the Sacred Fire that is Eternal! “I AM" THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE of the Great Central Sun Magnet"s Love, whose Flame is irresistible throughout Creation! “I AM" THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE of the Victorious Love of the Sacred Fire!
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