Decrees: Violet Flame Part 4 I AM Decree Book One

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Decrees: Violet Flame Part 4
I AM Decree Book One

OUR BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER SAINT GERMAIN SAYS: In the Fullness of the "Presence" Is the Love that you require! In the Fullness of the "Presence" Are the things that you desire!
About the Edition
COME! COME! COME! IN YOUR VISIBLE, TANGIBLE, ASCENDED MASTER BODIES! RAISE YOUR COSMIC SWORDS OF BLUE FLAME AS OF A THOUSAND SUNS FROM THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN THAT TRANSCEND EVERY HUMAN CONCEPT! Give these Decrees with us! Keep them Eternally Sustained, ever-expanding, and world-engulfing, until all Beloved Saint Germain"s "I"AM" Activities cover the Earth and reign Supreme everywhere with full Power, in all we ever do or contact, until all are Ascended and Free!
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