Love, Forgiveness, Mercy I AM Decrees - Book One

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Love, Forgiveness, Mercy
I AM Decrees - Book One

In the following “I AM" Ascended Master Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy Decrees for the Blessing of all mankind and Freedom from all hate, illness, lack, and destruction; and for the Victory of the Cosmic Christ" Invincible Authority and Peace throughout the world, the fundamental requirement of the Great Law of Life is to turn the attention first to God the "Beloved Mighty I"AM Presence," the Great Host of Ascended Masters, the Cosmic Beings, and the Great Angelic Host, from whom all Good in the Universe has always come.
About the Edition
"I"AM"! "I"AM"! "I"AM"! BY ALL GOD"S LOVE I KNOW "I"AM," THE INVINCIBLE HONOR FLAME OF GOD"S GREAT COSMIC HEART, AND ITS MIGHTIEST INVINCIBLE LOVE, FORGIVENESS, MERCY, AND DIVINE COMPASSION, in Oceans and oceans and oceans of the Sacred Love of the Sacred Fire! sealed, sealed, sealed in worldwide Action, Victory, Light, and Freedom of a Thousand Suns in, through, around, and to every person, place, condition, and thing under this Radiation until all are Ascended and Free!
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