Saint Germain
Vol 4.01 - Ascended Master Instruction

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Saint Germain Vol 4.01 - Ascended
Master Instruction

September 12, 1932 - Chicago IL

INVOCATION: O Mighty "Presence," We give praise and thanks, and rejoice in Thy Mighty Radiant Presence–that Thou hast come forth to clothe America in Thy Mighty Radiant Presence and shed Thy Splendor o'er humanity.
About the Edition
The Saint Germain Series contains the Original Instruction from the Ascended Masters on the Eternal Laws of Life. Each Book and Discourse carries the definite Radiation and Consciousness of the Ascended Masters and points the Student to the attainment of the Ascension through their use of the Sacred Fire. This Mighty "I AM" Instruction is the True Education of Life. It is the Law of Life! It is the Gift of Love!

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