Violet Flame, Part Two I AM Decrees - Book One

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Violet Flame, Part Two
I AM Decrees - Book One

In the Name, Love, Wisdom, Power, Authority, and Victory of our own "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence," Higher Mental Bodies, and those of all mankind; the Ascended Masters, Cosmic Beings and Great Angelic Host; all Beings and Activites of the Sacred Fire; the most Boundless Love in the Universe; the Goddess of Justice and the Supremacy of Divine Justice to all Life: the Light and Love of God that never, never, never fail; the Flaming Substance from the Secret Love Star; the Ascended Msaters' Mightiest, Instantaneous, Eternal, Invincible, Overwhelming Supply, Complete and Unconditional Harmony; Their I AM Miracle Music of the Spheres; Their I AM Miracle Healing Flame; Beloved Saint Germain's I AM Miracle Bells of Worldwide Freedom; all the Mastery, Power, Powers, Joy, and Victory from the Ascended Masters' Octave; and the Mightiest Herculean Protection and Perfection in the Universe!
About the Edition
"I AM"" Decrees for the Violet Consuming Flame, Part Two: Part of I AM Decrees - Book One, from Saint Germain Foundation, published by Saint Germain Press. Book One—the first in a series of five Decree Books—covers a group of topics presented in several booklets, or sections. Each section was originally published as an individual, small format booklet, and the cover image of each small booklet is presented at the beginning of each related section. For more information on the Decree Books and Decreeing, please visit"
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