Cyclopea; Ascended Master Saint Germain; The Infinite Gifts of Light; Mr Ballard's Invocation; Royal Teton; Discourse by Saint Germain; Discourse by Saint Germain; "I AM" Study Groups; Young America.
About the Edition
The "Voice of the I AM" monthly Magazine is the Outpouring of the Love, Light, and Illumination from the Beloved Ascended Masters for the enlightenment of all mankind-the Ascended Masters' Instruction on the Fiery Christ Truth of the "Beloved Mighty I AM Presence."
The Ascended Masters' Instruction on the Great Laws of Life was first brought forth by the Ascended Master Saint Germain, through His Accredited Messengers, Mr and Mrs GW Ballard. In the early 1930s the Ballards established Saint Germain Foundation and Saint Germain Press, currently a worldwide organization with hundreds of "I AM" Temples and Sanctuaries throughout the world.
The "I AM" Activity of Saint Germain Foundation presents this Original Ascended Master Instruction in its pure, unadulterated form, free from human interpretation, in The Voice of the "I AM" monthly Magazine, in the Books of the Saint Germain Series, and in other material released by Saint Germain Foundation and distributed through Saint Germain Press.