Vol 3 - The I AM Discourses By Saint Germain


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Vol 3 - The I AM Discourses
By Saint Germain

Visible Light and Sound Ray

By Beloved Saint Germain These original thirty-three Discourses were dictated by Beloved Saint Germain over the Visible Light and Sound Ray, in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G.W. Ballard. The sound of His Voice was physically audible to everyone in the room and at times His Tangible Presence was visible.
About the Edition
At the present time the attention of mankind is being drawn to the conscious understanding and use of the Words “I AM” by the Ascended Masters, Beloved Saint Germain, Beloved Jesus, and others of the Ascended Host—who are pouring out ceaselessly the Great Light to release Freedom, Peace, and Perfection. The Cosmic Command for the permanent Golden Age has been given and must now manifest on this planet.