Vol 8 - I AM DiscoursesBy Great Divine Director


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Vol 8 - I AM Discourses
By Great Divine Director

Saint Germain Series

The Great Cosmic Being, the Great Divine Director, is offering every possible help to the people of America and the world who want Freedom and Divine Justice to be the governing Authority to the people of the Earth. THE GREAT GREAT SILENCE BY CHANERA EPISODE IV To the Heart of the Great Great Silence, I now send my Heart’s deepest Call! From the Heart of the Great Great Silence, I draw Light to bless and free all! All the Power of the Great Great Silence, I feel and direct in my Love! The Secrets of the Great Great Silence, I draw forth—Their Miracles prove!
About the Edition
In offering a Tribute of Love and Gratitude to the Great Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings who have brought forth this Ascended Master Instruction of the “I AM,” we give all we are and have, or ever hope to be or have, into Their Service of the Light forever! The Privilege of carrying Their Light to mankind is the Greatest Privilege that can ever come to any human being in this World, and never in all Eternity could we give back to Them, a full balance for all They have given us; because there is no balance for Eternal Freedom, since It is the Great Mastery of Life and the Limitless Power and Perfection of all Light.