Discourse of the Day Excerpt
Discourse I • Beloved Saint Germain
When a constructive picture is flashed to your mind, it is a reality. When you recall it as a mental picture, and hold it…
Discourse of the Day Excerpt
Discourse I • Beloved Saint Germain
Today's Gem of Light
Your “Presence” was Great enough to put you here! Your “Presence,” which is Great enough to supply your Life and heartbeat with…
Today's Gem of Light
Your “Presence” was Great enough to put you here! Your “Presence,” which is Great enough to supply your Life and heartbeat with the energy you use every moment to breathe—do you not think It is Powerful enough to bring you what you require for your food, your clothing, or anything you choose to do in the world of action? You belong to It, and the world belongs to It; but It has Its own Divine Plan of Its own Relationship to the rest of the world. So until you get this set correctly, Precious Ones, and you get your house in Divine Order and in right relationship to your “I AM Presence,” everything in the outer is a continual struggle and a continual battle . . . . You could just as well draw these manifestations which you desire as physical things from your “Presence” with loving happiness as to dwell in the fear of the mental and feeling world of the outer self. Through that fear, your mental and feeling world will drive you here and there and everywhere to get a pittance of existence when you could have the Boundless. Beloved Godfré
Saint Germain Series
Vol 1 - Unveiled Mysteries By Godfre Ray King
Godfre Meets Saint Germain
Godfre's Experiences with Saint Germain. In this, the first Book of the Saint Germain… More
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Vol 2 - The Magic Presence By Godfre Ray King
Godfre's Continuing Experiences
In this second Book of the Saint Germain Series, Mr Ballard (pen name Godfre Ray King)… More
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Vol 3 - The I AM Discourses By Saint Germain
Visible Light and Sound Ray
By Beloved Saint Germain These original thirty-three Discourses were dictated by Beloved… More
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Vol 3 - The I AM Discourses By Saint Germain
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Vol 4 - Ascended Master Instruction
Through Godfre Ray King
Ascended Master Saint Germain dictated this series of twenty-eight Discourses over a… More
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The Voice of the I AM
The Voice of the I AM 1936 February
First Issue of The Voice Magazine
Jesus; Saint Germain; Chart Talk; I AM Decrees; The Messengers; Young America; "I AM"… More
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The Voice of the I AM 1936 March
The Monthly Voice Magazine
Cyclopea; Ascended Master Saint Germain; The Infinite Gifts of Light; Mr Ballard's… More
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The Voice of the I AM 1936 April
The Monthly Voice Magazine
'The Luminous Presence; Easter; Easter Sunrise Service; Discourse by Saint Germain; The… More
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The Voice of the I AM 1936 May
The Monthly Voice Magazine
Discourse by Jesus; Saint Germain's Benediction; Discourse by Saint Germain; The Ascension… More
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