Vol 7 - Ascended Master Light By the Great Cosmic Beings

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Vol 7 - Ascended Master Light
By the Great Cosmic Beings

Saint Germain Series

This Book is given to the “I AM” Students and all mankind at the Command of the Great Cosmic Beings who dictated the Discourses contained within it.
The Ascended Masters who dictated, with one exception, are all Great Cosmic Beings of such Majesty and Power as the human mind can scarcely comprehend. 
Each Discourse is powerfully charged with the Life, Light, and Love of the particular Cosmic Master whose Dictation it is. Every Word in every Discourse is a “Crystal Cup” which is flled with and carries the Life, the Light, the Love, the Energy, the Power, the Healing, the Courage, the Strength, and the Supply of every good thing from the Octave of Life of the Ascended Master who dictated it. 
Each Discourse carries a distinctly different Radiation and Feeling to the Student and reader; and if all who hear or read them will accept and expand the Blessing and Perfection with which they are charged, Mighty Ascended Master Miracles and Victories of Perfection will flood forth without limit to bless all.