Vol 18 - I AM Discourses on America


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Vol 18 - I AM Discourses on

DEDICATION This Series of Books is dedicated in deepest Eternal Love and Gratitude to our Beloved Ascended Masters, Beloved Saint Germain and the Beloved Goddess of Justice, Beloved Jesus, Beloved Nada and the Great Divine Director, our own Beloved Godfré and Lotus, the Great White Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton, Beloved David Lloyd and the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, Beloved God Tabor, the Goddess of Liberty, Beloved Mighty Hercules, and all the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings who have come to the Assistance of Beloved Saint Germain for the freeing of His Beloved Land of Light—America! The Dictations in this Book were given through our Beloved Accredited Messenger, Mrs. G.W. Ballard, whose pen name is Lotus Ray King. We thank Her for Her Selfless Dedication to this Light and Her Fiery Love of America and for Her unconditional Obedience to Her Master, Beloved Saint Germain. viiviii These Dictations—in print for the first time— were given between the years 1950 and 1968, and are now presented to the people of America and the world by the Saint Germain Foundation in loving gratitude to Beloved Saint Germain. Our Hearts join in the Words of Mrs. G. W. Ballard in Her Gratitude to Beloved Saint Germain: “To You, Blessed, Beloved Saint Germain, thank You for Your Love, Your Light, and Your Effort to bring us this far in our Freedom. May we stand, face, and conquer beside You, and do everything that will give You every cooperation, until the Nation of Your Heart and our Hearts is Free forever from all that is not Your Purity and Your Love and Your Freedom; and the world is Free from all that is not the Purity of Beloved Jesus, and Yours, and all the Ascended Host’s Love for Eternity.” Record CD-1377
About the Edition
TRIBUTE In this year of 2001, the opening of the New Millennium, we offer this Tribute to the greatest Benefactor America has ever known, the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain. “He is now working intensely for the Protection and Illumination of America. Having made the Ascension as Beloved Jesus did, He is now the Great Master who has charge of the New Civilization to come forth in America, for which He has worked unceasingly during the past two hundred years. . . . “He and Beloved Jesus are working together now, with the Great Cosmic Messenger known as the Great Divine Director, to bring forth the Permanent Golden, or “I AM” Age for our Earth. This begins with the New Civilization destined to come forth in America. . . . He is the Presiding Master under whom She is to come to the Fulfillment of Her Destiny as the Holy Grail, or Cup of Light from which the rest of the world will drink, now and in the future. ixTRIBUTETRIBUTE xi this government of this Nation today, and let the destructive forces take the consequences! Thank you, Precious Ones. “And Our Beloved America shall enter into the Garden of My Heart and take Her Dominion in the Service of the Mighty Saint Germain. Go forth, and flood the Flame until America and all within Her borders blaze that Light that is Eternal in Its Conscious Control of all within your borders. I commend you to Its Everlasting Perfection; and may Its Sun Presence ever abide around you until all behold It with the physical sight, and none dare deny longer Its Mighty Power and Eternal Conscious Control of all things in the physical world. To the Victory of My Heart’s Love do I commend you from this hour—for the Freedom of the Nation of Saint Germain’s Heart, and for the Release of the world from that which is not Love.” Cassette 6 5107