Vol 20 - I AM Discourses by the Gods of the Mountains


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Vol 20 - I AM Discourses
by the Gods of the Mountains

TRIBUTE This Series of Dictations is dedicated in deepest Eternal Love and Gratitude to our Beloved Ascended Masters, Saint Germain, Jesus, Nada, the Great Divine Director, our Beloved Ascended Messengers— Beloved Godfré and Lotus, the Great White Brotherhood, the Brotherhood of the Royal Teton, the Brotherhood of Mount Shasta, the Great Ascended Masters from Venus, the Great Cosmic Beings, the Four Great Gods of the Mountains, the Great Angelic Host, the Great Cosmic Light; and those other Ascended Masters whose Loving Help has been direct and without limit.
About the Edition
DEDICATION The time is approaching when all the humanity of this planet must give recognition to the Four Gods of the Mountains who are entrusted with drawing and controlling the Electronic Force within the Mountain Ranges of the Earth. The two Gods of the Mountains who abide in the Western Hemisphere form a Mighty Focus of the Cosmic Currents to this part of the landed surface of the Earth. One of these is the Great Cosmic Presence, Beloved God Tabor, who towers about eight feet tall and comes from a very ancient race of people. His Retreat is in the United States of America. He is the one after whom Mount Tabor in the Holy Land was named. Shortly after the Ascension of Beloved Jesus He came to North America to become the Guardian of the Rocky Mountain Range. The second God of the Mountains in the Western Hemisphere is Beloved God Meru, the Guardian of the South American Range. He viiTRIBUTETRIBUTE ix over the United States of America. He has been the Guardian of the Himalayan Range since the beginning of this planet. He stands over seven feet tall and holds under His Protection many places of Beauty and marvelous Treasures in these great mountain peaks. In India there resides the Ascended Master Orion, known by the people as the Old Man of the Hills. He is closely connected with the God Himalaya. Beloved Orion is the Guarding Presence of the Nation of India and the Guarding Presence of the Himalayan Range. He comes under the Beloved Mighty Elohim, called Orion as well, one of the Builders of this System of Worlds. There is also the Great Cosmic Hierarchy which governs the Galaxy of Orion, composed of uncountable billions of Suns and Systems of Suns and Systems of Worlds. The God Himalaya, the Ascended Master Orion, and the Constellation Orion are part of the same Activity, but of varying intensity. In Europe the Beloved God of the Swiss Alps has guarded a very ancient Focus of Mighty Cosmic Power for thousands of centuries in the Alps. It is His privilege to be the Guardian of certain Substance, Fire, and Power for the TRIBUTE

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