Violet Consuming Flame, Part 1 I AM Decrees - Book One

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Violet Consuming Flame, Part 1
I AM Decrees - Book One

OUR BELOVED ASCENDED MASTER SAINT GERMAIN SAYS: In the Fullness of the "Presence" Is the Love that you require! In the Fullness of the "Presence" Are the things that you desire! Therefore, in the following Ascended Master "I AM" Decrees for the release of the Dissolving Power of the Violet Consuming Flame to act for all who are constructive, the fundamental requirement of this Law is to turn the attention first to God"the "Mighty I AM Presence""and the Great Host of Ascended Masters from whence all good in the Universe has always come.
About the Edition
VIOLET FLAME FROM THE CENTRAL SUN! (3) In, through, and around all under this Radiation, this instant and forever descend! Descend! Descend! Descend! Defend! Defend! Defend! Command! Command! Command! “I AM"! “I AM"! “I AM"!
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